March 31, 2017
Maria P. Limberis, President, HMS – PHLI am delighted to write my first letter as President of the Hellenic Medical Society of Philadelphia (HMS – PHL). I am excited about the opportunity to lead our organization as we continue our educational programs and philanthropic work to benefit our members in the Hellenic community. We have placed a significant effort in expanding our outreach programs and our mission for this year is to continue building on these initiatives. I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous work of our previous president Sandy Tzaferos who was instrumental in implementing several new initiatives of the HMS – PHL and praise her outstanding leadership in engaging the Hellenic community.
The new executive board consists of Gus Orfanos (Vice President), Alexia Tsikouras (Secretary), Leo Iliadis (Treasurer), Roxane Hionis (Associate Secretary) and Paul Mastoridis.
We have several upcoming and future events that I wish to bring to your attention. We very much look forward to seeing you there!
March 25th Greek Independence Celebration. This coming Sunday, April 2, 2017 marks the 196th anniversary of the Greek Independence Day – March 25th. The HMS-PHL board is proudly joining the parade and we will be marching at position 64 (out of 78). The parade is scheduled to commence at 2pm and we welcome you to join us!
May 17, 2017. Save the date! May 17, 2017 the HMS-PHL will be hosting an educational event over dinner in Philadelphia. Stay tuned for more details.
Scholarship Opportunity. We will be awarding the HMS-PHL scholarship to an outstanding candidate at our upcoming general assembly scheduled for May 17, 2017. Stay tuned for details!
HMS-PHL 10th Year Anniversary Gala. Save the date! May 5, 2018 marks our celebration of 10 years as the Hellenic Medical Society of Philadelphia. We are planning a black-tie gala and we will celebrate Greek style with dinner, dancing and honoring special people.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at our events this year!
Maria. P. Limberis